To view creative scoring for your campaign creatives, click on the hamburger menu in the top left navigation and under "Analytics" select Creative Scoring.
Our algorithm-based creative scoring tool uses KPI tracking and advanced analytics to score each piece of creative, providing data points to iterate future creative and campaigns. To help make better data-driven decisions, you're able to see how ads performed in cold audiences, warm audiences, or all audiences. The default selection is cold audiences.
If multiple campaigns have been created, you can switch between campaigns by clicking on the down arrow in the title bar and selecting your campaign:
The campaign data displayed in the table will be based on the goals you've set for your campaign. In the example below, the primary goal for the campaign is Shopify Sales and the secondary goal is Adds to Cart. As a result, the creative scoring will rank ads based on their performance against these specific goals.
Let's break down the data in each column of the creative scoring table:
Spend: Total ad spend for the creative.
Adds to Cart: Totals for the secondary goal.
CPA: Cost per acquisition for the secondary goal.
Shopify Sales: Totals for the primary goal.
ROAS: Since the primary goal is revenue-based, the metric tracked is ROAS instead of CPA.
Spend Rank: Ads are ranked in order of ad spend, with the lowest spending ad receiving a rank of 1.
Spend Score: The score is a 10x multiple of the rank (used in scoring calculations).
CPA Rank: Ads are ranked in order of highest to lowest CPA, with the highest CPA receiving a rank of 1.
CPA Score: The CPA Score will match its Rank (used in scoring calculations).
ROAS Rank: Ads are ranked in order of highest to lowest ROAS, with the lowest ROAS receiving a rank of 1.
ROAS Score: The score is a 2.5x multiple of the rank (used in scoring calculations).
ROAS Norm: Ads are ranked from 0 to 1 to establish a norm for scoring, with 0 for the lowest ROAS and 1 for the highest ROAS.
ROAS Weight: The better performing ads receiving a higher weighted score.
Score: A percentage grade of best to worst performing ads, calculating all metrics together to generate a score.
Score Norm: A letter grade that denotes how the ads in a campaign performed relative to each other.
Rank: A ranking for each ad from best to worst overall.
By clicking anywhere in the row, or in the LINK column, you'll see a preview of the ad on the far right hand side.
By default, the last 30 days of Facebook Ads data will be displayed. For detailed instructions on how to change the date range, visit this guide in our Knowledge Base.