Setting goals are a crucial part of your campaign strategy. Not only does it help with the evaluation of campaign success, but it is also necessary for ROUX's auto-optimize configuration. In other words, for ROUX to achieve better results, the platform needs to know what goals and metrics are being prioritized.
To set goals for your campaign, click on the hamburger menu in the top left navigation and under "Quick Start" select Set Campaign Goals.
You will then be prompted to select the campaign you want to set goals for:
Alternatively, if you are proceeding to this step after creating a new campaign, there is a Goals section immediately underneath Campaign Info where you can click + Add Goal.
Within the modal that pops up, enter the requested information:
Name: For easy identification, this can match the goal type. So if you select a ROAS goal, entering the name as ROAS may work best for you.
Goal: You can choose from four goal types—CPA, CPC, ROAS, and Total.
CPA: Choose this goal type if your objective is to acquire leads, purchases, etc. at a particular cost.
CPC: Choose this goal type if your objective is to acquire web traffic at a particular cost.
ROAS: Choose this goal type if your objective is to achieve a specific purchase value in relation to ad spend.
Total: Choose this goal type if your objective is to achieve a specific daily total number of conversions.
Value: This is the value for your goal. For example, if you want to drive $5 leads, you could choose CPA as your goal type and enter 5 for the value. If your goal is 3x ROAS, enter ROAS as your goal with 3 as the value.
Event: Choose the event you have setup to track your goal. So if you have a lead goal and your website is firing the Lead event, choose Lead here. If you have a ROAS goal, then choose Purchases Value here. You also have the option to create goals based on Shopify, Amazon, and WooCommerce sales, which unlocks some of ROUX's most advanced auto-optimization features. For example, if your goal is a 3x return based on ad spend to total Shopify sales, choose Shopify Sales as your event. You can also use specific products for goal calculations, which is helpful if your campaign is focused on promoting only certain products and you want to base your goals around sales of those products only.
Status: This is Active by default. You can make this Inactive at any time if you want to update your goal but keep your previous goal in tact for potential future use.
It's recommended that you create a primary and secondary goal. Your primary goal should be the action furthest down the funnel that you're looking to drive, with your secondary goal being a high value goal that occurs prior to your primary goal in the funnel.
For example, if your goal is to drive purchases of a product, then your primary goal should be related to Purchases or Purchases Value. Your secondary goal in that instance could be Adds To Cart, as that is a high value action that takes place before a purchase.
Once your primary and secondary goals are set, they will be displayed in the Goals section of the Campaign Info page.
To re-order the goals, simply drag and drop to the desired position. You can also edit or delete your goals at any time by clicking on the pencil icon next to the goal.