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Facebook Metrics in ROUX
Facebook Metrics in ROUX

In-depth and fully customizable reporting for all of your Facebook & Instagram campaigns, from campaign to creative level.

Shane Veinot avatar
Written by Shane Veinot
Updated over 2 years ago

To view in-depth Facebook campaign performance metrics, click on the hamburger menu in the top left navigation and under "Analytics" click Facebook Ads.

Within Facebook ad analytics, four levels of drilldown are available. The top level is All Campaigns, which is the default reporting level. The next level is All Creative Groups (this is the ad set level), followed by All Creatives (for the selected creative group/ad set), then finally Creative (where you can see individual ad performance).

There are two methods to drill down further into the performance metrics:

  1. Click on the Name in the results table.

  2. Click on the dropdown next to the headers for All Creative Groups, All Creatives, and Creative to select your desired options.

Once at the Creative level, an ad preview will appear for the selected creative. Beneath the preview are Facebook and Instagram buttons that will allow you to preview the creative directly on the ad platform.

The metrics available at each level of reporting are highly customizable. All four levels of Facebook performance metrics have the following customization options:

By default, the last 30 days of Facebook Ads data will be displayed. For detailed instructions on how to change the date range, visit this guide in our Knowledge Base.


There are default metrics set to display in the results table; however, the metrics that display are fully customizable. Simply click the dropdown next to "Columns:" where it says Default and click Customize.

The Column Settings modal will popup, where you can select the metrics from the left that you want to view, then drag and drop those metrics on the right to determine the order in which they display.

Once you've selected your desired metrics, enter your New Preset Name and click Apply.


By default, the metrics in the graph will display Daily results. However, it is possible to change the interval to both Weekly and Monthly. This can be helpful when viewing data from longer time period.

To change the Interval, simply click the dropdown in the top right corner of the graph and make your selection.


The default metric that will display in the graph is Spend. However, it is possible to visualize any metric that is displayed in the results table below. This includes metrics such as CPC, Purchase Value, ROAS, and more.

To change the Metric, simply click the dropdown in the top right corner of the graph and make your selection.

If the metric you want to view isn't listed as an option, update your columns to ensure the desired metric is available.

Filter by Date or Target Audience

By default, the metrics in the results table will display an overall summary for the time period selected. However, it is also possible to view the metrics for that time period broken down by date as well as by target audience.

To change the filter, simply select By Date or Target.

If By Date is selected, you'll be able to view a daily breakdown of the campaign metrics for that time period.

If Target is selected, you'll be able to view campaign performance by target audience for that time period.

There are up to nine different target audiences included in a campaign:

  • Hot: Includes the historical highest value buyers, people added to cart in the last 30 days, or people who have been on the website or engaged with a post in the last 7 days.

  • Warm: Includes any leftover past buyers, people that have been on the website in the last 8-45 days, or people who have engaged with a post/ad on Facebook in the last 7-21 days.

  • Aware: Includes the remaining people that have had some type of touch point with the brand in the last 365 days that is trackable, excluding Hot and Warm users. This includes retargeting (limited to 6 months), app engagement, lists, connected actions, social post engagement, page fans, etc. It would encompass anyone and everyone that has trackable awareness of the brand within the last year and do not fall into Hot or Warm.

  • Heavy Profiling with Heavy Overlay of Deep Funnel Event Lookalikes: This lookalike audience is modeled after only the events that are deepest within the customer journey. For instance, purchases or checkouts started. These lookalikes are limited to micro % match rates (1-2%). Heavy profiling overlays demographic, behavioral, and interest-based targeting that has most aligned with the brand's success thus far. When combining these, you create hundreds of micro audiences of users with the greatest potential to convert.

  • Profiling with Mid Funnel Event Lookalikes: This lookalike audience is modeled using events that display intent within the customer journey. For instance, multiple content views. These lookalikes are limited to micro % match rates (1-2%). The profiling overlays only demographic, behavioral, and interest-based targeting that has provided the greatest return from other profiling. When combining these, you create hundreds of micro audiences that represent the second tier of users most likely to convert.

  • Profiling with Scaled Low Funnel, Broad + Top Funnel Lookalikes: The Scaled Low Funnel lookalike audience includes events that are deepest within the customer journey. For instance, purchases or checkouts initiated. However, these lookalikes use expanded match rates (ex: 5%). Top funnel lookalikes include the events from the earliest parts of the customer journey that show some intent, like viewing specific products. However, these lookalikes are limited to micro % match rates (1-2%). The profiling overlays only demographic, behavioral, and interest-based targeting that has provided the greatest return from other profiling. When combining these, you create hundreds of micro audiences that represent the third tier of users most likely to convert.

  • Heavy Profiling: Overlays demographic, behavioral, and interest-based targeting, without the use of lookalikes, that has most aligned with the brand and has shown the greatest success to date.

  • Scaled Profiling: Overlays demographic, behavioral, and interest-based targeting just beyond the core user base. Essentially, if you have a strong performing user base, just outside of that core we want to find the 5-10% of users that would still work, even though one of their core elements might not be our most proficient targeting.

  • Testing: Includes hundreds, if not thousands, of micro-tests to completely cold audiences to find out what elements can move the needle and eventually be added into the profiling above. It can consist of demographics, behaviors, interests, etc.

Device, Placement & Platform Breakdown

As described above, the metrics in the results table will display an overall summary for the time period selected. But in addition to adding filters to those metrics, it is also possible to view breakdowns by Device, Placement, and Platform.

There are five breakdowns available:


When Device is selected, you'll be able to view performance metrics broken down by the following devices:

  • Android Smartphone

  • Android Tablet

  • Desktop

  • iPad

  • iPhone

  • iPod

  • Other


When Placement is selected, you'll be able to view performance metrics broken down by channel placement. For example, the top level placement could be Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, or Audience Network. The next level would include options like Feed, Instagram Stories, Messenger Inbox, etc. And the bottom level would distinguish between Desktop and Mobile App.

Placement and Device

When Placement and Device is selected, you'll be able to view performance metrics broken down with a combination of the two breakdowns described above. The Placement breakdown will add an overlay of the Device to its results.


When Platform is selected, you'll be able to view performance metrics broken down by the following platforms:

  • Audience Network

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Messenger

  • Unknown

Platform and Device

When Platform and Device is selected, you'll be able to view performance metrics broken down by platform as described above, with an overlay of the device that was targeted.

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