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Building & Launching a New Campaign
Building & Launching a New Campaign

The campaign build process in ROUX takes minutes and sets the parameters to create your campaign in Meta Ads Manager, so you don't have to.

Shane Veinot avatar
Written by Shane Veinot
Updated over a year ago

The final step before launching your campaign is to initialize your campaign build within Facebook. Through this process, ROUX will fully build out your campaign, which will also be fully visible from within Facebook Ads Manager.

To create a new campaign build, click on the hamburger menu in the top left navigation and under "Quick Start" select Create a Build.

You will then be prompted to select the campaign you want to create your build for:

Alternatively, if you are proceeding to this step after creating a new campaign, there is a Builds section immediately underneath Campaign Info where you can click + Create Build.

The first time you attempt to create a build, you will be prompted to agree with Facebook's Terms of Service:

Once you have read the terms, click Agree.

Next, click + Create Build. You will then be guided through a 12 step process:

Let's do an in-depth breakdown of each step below.

New Build

The first step is to select the type of build you want to create. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Name: This can be named whatever you'd like, for your own easy identification.

  • Dates: You can enter start and end dates for your campaign build (not required).

  • Campaign Optimization: You can select from the following optimization objectives:

    • Conversion (Recommended)

    • Link

    • Video View

    • Likes

    • Custom Conversion

    • Catalog (DPA)

    • Lead Form

  • Campaign For: Please identify the primary purpose of your campaign.

    • ROI

    • Lead

    • Cost Per Purchase

    • Custom Conversion

  • Promoted Event: Only required for conversion campaign optimizations. This is typically the same as the primary goal of your campaign and should align with the goals set in the Set Campaign Goals step (e.g. Purchase). Taken together, the campaign's optimization and the promoted event should be enough to answer the question: "What is this build all about?".

  • Facebook Page for Lead Forms: Only required for Lead Form campaign optimizations. This is the page the lead form ads will be shown from.

  • Initial Daily Budget: This amount will pull from the Daily Budget you entered during the Set Campaign Budget step.

  • Template: There are ten build templates to choose from, each optimized for your specific objective and budget. A recommendation will be provided based on the information you have entered.

    • Advanced: This build structure is more complex in nature and is meant for campaigns with higher daily budgets of at least $125. It includes up to eight warm and ten cold audiences and excludes anyone who's had a primary goal conversion in the or on a purchase list in the last thirty days. Warm audiences are split up into micro-retargeting of last step in funnel for last seven days; All Lists + anyone who purchased more than thirty days ago (one-hundred-eighty days max); anyone who's engaged with the website, Facebook page, or ˆInstagram accounts in last twenty-eight days; and anyone who's engaged with the site, Facebook Page, or Instagram accounts in the last year. The ten cold audiences are split up into micro-retargeting of Conversion Lookalikes (1%, 2%, 5%, 10%); Audience Interests; "Broad Targeting"; and finally Page Engagement Lookalikes.

    • Basic: Recommended for campaigns with a daily budget between $10 and $50 and excludes anyone who's had a primary goal conversion in the last one-hundred-eighty days (max for Meta pixel events) or is on a purchase list. Template includes one warm and one cold audience. The Warm audience retargets anyone who has been to the site in the last one-hundred-eighty days or had engagement with a Facebook Page or Instagram account within the last year. There are no interest or lookalike audiences, so the single cold audience is "Broad Targeting" in that it only excludes the warm above with no other detailed targeting. Can be used in Special Ad Categories builds.

    • Basic - Excluding L30: Recommended for campaigns with a daily budget between $10 and $50 and would like to retarget customers every thirty days. Template includes one warm and one cold audience and excludes anyone who's had a primary goal conversion or is on a purchase list in last thirty days. The Warm audience retargets anyone who has been to the site in the last one-hundred-eighty days or had engagement with a Facebook Page or Instagram account within the last year. There are no interest or lookalike audiences, so the single cold audience is "Broad Targeting" in that it only excludes the warm above with no other detailed targeting. Can be used in Special Ad Categories builds.

    • Broad Targeting Only: Recommended for campaigns with a daily budget less than $10 and targets only one cold audience that excludes anyone who's had a primary goal conversion in last one-hundred-eighty days (max for Meta pixel events) or is on a purchase list. There are no interest or lookalike audiences, so the single cold audience is "Broad Targeting" in that it only excludes previous conversions with no other detailed targeting. Can be used in Special Ad Categories builds.

    • Broad Targeting Only - Excluding L30: Recommended for campaigns with a daily budget less than $10 and would like to retarget customers every thirty days. The template targets only one cold audience that excludes anyone who's had a primary goal conversion or is on a purchase list in last thirty days. There are no interest or lookalike audiences, so the single cold audience is "Broad Targeting" in that it only excludes previous conversions with no other detailed targeting. Can be used in Special Ad Categories builds.

    • Catalog Ads: This build will be used when you are running a Catalog (DPA) campaign. It includes up to eight warm and one cold audiences and excludes anyone who's had a primary goal conversion in last one-hundred-eighty days (max for Meta pixel events). Warm audiences are split up into retargeting anyone who has purchased, added to cart, viewed a product, or had any website engagement in the last one-hundred-eighty days; and Facebook Page or Instagram account engagement from the last year. The single cold audience targets lookalike audiences of purchases from the last one-hundred-eighty days and/or a provided purchase list. It is recommended to have a minimum daily budget of $45 to use this build template.

    • Lead Form: This is the only build template available for Lead Form optimized builds and has a recommended daily budget of at least $25. Template includes three warm and five cold audiences and excludes anyone who's submitted a lead form in the last ninety days. Warm audiences are split up into retargeting lead form opens, website and page engagements from last seven days; anyone who's engaged with the website, Facebook Pages, or Instagram accounts in the last twenty-eight days; and All Lists + anyone who's engaged with the website, Facebook Pages, or Instagram accounts in the last year. The four cold audiences are split up into micro-retargeting of Lead Form submission Lookalikes and Audience Interests.

    • Link Click: This build will never be automatically recommended by the platform, but is the option you should select if you primary goal is simply to drive web traffic and does not require a full tracking funnel. The template includes up to two warm and six cold audiences and excludes anyone who's engaged in the site in the last seven days or is on a purchase list in the last thirty days. Warm audiences are split up into retargeting anyone who's engaged with the website, Facebook Page, or Instagram account in the last year. Cold is split up into Audience Interests; Lookalike audiences from Website engagements, Facebook Page and Instagram account engagements; and List lookalikes.

    • Special Ad Categories: If you select the checkbox indicating that this build is for a Special Ad Category and your daily budget is at least $25, then this template type will be automatically selected. Template includes three warm and four cold audiences and removes all audiences that can not be used for Special Ad Categories as well as anyone who's had a primary goal conversion or is on a purchase list in the last thirty days. Warm audiences are split up into retargeting last step in funnel for last seven days; All Lists + anyone who purchased more than thirty days ago (one-hundred-eighty days max); anyone who's engaged with the website, Facebook Pages, or Instagram accounts in the last twenty-eight days; and anyone who's engaged with the website, Facebook Pages, or Instagram accounts in the last year. The three cold audiences include Audience Interests and "Broad Targeting". There are lookalike audiences and interests are limited per Facebook's guidelines.

    • Standard: This is our standard build and will be recommended in most instances for daily budgets between $50 and $125. Template includes four warm and four cold audiences and excludes anyone who's had a primary goal conversion or is on a purchase list in last thirty days. Warm audiences are split up into retargeting last step in funnel for last seven days; All Lists + anyone who purchased more than thirty days ago (one-hundred-eighty days max); anyone who's engaged with the website, Facebook Pages, or Instagram accounts in the last twenty-eight days; and anyone who's engaged with the website, Facebook Pages, or Instagram accounts in the last year. The four cold audiences are split up into micro-retargeting of Conversion Lookalikes and Audience Interests.

  • Auto Optimize Build: You can select from the following optimization settings when launching your build (these settings can also be changed at any point in time after a campaign is live):

    • Off: When selected, your campaign will not automatically be optimized once it is launched.

    • Recommendations Only: When selected, the platform will show you the updates that it would recommend making, but will not actually make adjustments to the campaign.

    • Full Automation: This is the default setting. When selected, the platform will automatically optimize your campaign in real time.

Once complete, click Next.


The next step is simply to confirm that the correct business, project, campaign, and ad account have been selected for this build.

Once confirmed, click Next.


The next step is to confirm the assets for this build, which will be preselected based on your project settings.

  • Pixel - Required for everything except Lead Form builds.

  • Lead Form(s) - Required only for Lead Form builds.

  • Primary Facebook Page

  • Secondary Facebook Page - Optional

  • Primary Instagram Account - Optional

  • Other Instagram Account(s) - Optional

Once confirmed, click Next.


In the funnel step, you can drag and drop the pixel events into the following steps in the conversion funnel:

  • Primary Goal: This is primary goal of your campaign and should align with the goals set in the Set Campaign Goals step (e.g. Purchase).

  • Last Step: This is the last step in the funnel prior to the primary goal, and may have been set as your secondary goal in the Set Campaign Goals step (e.g. Add To Cart).

  • 2nd to Last Step: This is the pixel event that fires prior to the last step before the primary goal (e.g. View Content).

Once complete, click Next.

List Upload

The next step is optional, but recommended, if you have an existing list of customers.

  • Primary List: This should be your most valuable list (i.e. Buyers). If you only have a master list that includes all subscribers, you can upload it here.

  • LTV List: If you have a list including your customer lifetime value, upload it here.

  • Secondary: If you have a Buyer list that was already uploaded, upload a list of all remaining subscribers.

  • Other: If you have any remaining lists, upload it here.

  • Exclude List: If you have a list of subscribers you would not like to advertise to, you can upload it here.

When uploading your list, you can select the List Type (Purchase, Email, Other, or LTV).

Once complete, click Next.


In the Core step, you'll have the opportunity to enter the Interests you'd like to target. You can enter up to three groups of interests.

Start typing in the field and all available options with the word you're typing will display. Once you've entered at least one interest, you can click the bulb icon on the right and you'll receive suggestions for additional interests.

If you've created other builds previously, you also have the option to import the interests created during that build. Simply click Import in the top right corner and select the applicable build.

Once complete, click Next.

Build Limit

Once you've added your Interest targeting, the next step is to set limits to your targeting, if desired.

The following limits are available:

  • Location: You can Include city, states, regions, and countries you specifically want to target. If selecting a city, you can include a radius. You can also Exclude countries or regions you specifically do not want to target. There are also four preset options to choose from:

    • US Only: If you want to target consumers in the United States only.

    • Core: These are the core best performing countries you may want to include in your targeting. If you preselect this option you can also deselect any countries you don't not want to target.

    • Expanded: This adds additional countries to the Core targeting that have a history of being solid performers. It does not include countries such as India and Nigeria, for example, that often result in cheap but much lower quality traffic.

    • Worldwide: If you want to target all countries globally.

  • Age: You can select any range range between 18 and 65.

  • Gender: The default setting is All, but you can also target just Male or Female consumers.

  • Language: This is an optional setting where you can target specific language speakers.

  • Detail: This allows you to Include or Exclude additional Interest targeting.

  • Custom Audience: Any custom audiences you have created in your ad account can be included or excluded here.

  • Platform: The default setting is All Platforms, but you can also target just Desktop or Mobile users.

  • Mobile OS: The default setting is All Mobile, but you can also target just Android or iOS users.

Once complete, click Next.

Split Build

Once all of your build parameters have been set, you have the option to split test your build around specific targets:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Device (Platform)

  • Mobile Operating System

For example, let's say you're targeting consumers age 18-65. If you decide to split on Age and your Primary Set is ages 25-34, then you would be able to test that age group against open age targeting. Some build templates and budgets may not support this feature.

Once complete, click Next.


The next step is to select the creative and audience you want to add to your build.

All of your ad sets will be displayed here and once clicked on the ad set will open to display all of the ads within. You can select your ads individually or you can select them all at once by clicking the double arrows to the right of the ad set name.

Next, you'll need to select from the available placements. For a standard square image or video, you'll have the following options to select:

  • Auto

  • Facebook Feed

  • Instagram Feed

  • Blended Feed

If you want your ads to run on FB Feed or IG Feed only, select one of those options. If you want your ads to run on both, it is best to select Blended Feed. If you select Auto, your ads will run on every available placement:

If your creative is the standard Story ratio of 1920x1080, then you will have the following options to select:

  • Auto

  • Facebook Stories

  • Instagram Stories

  • Blended Stories

  • Facebook Reels

  • Instagram Reels

  • Blended Reels

Similar to 1:1 ratio ads, select Blended if you wish to run on both FB and IG. Otherwise, select the single platform you wish to run your ads on.

Finally, you'll select with audience you would like the creatives to be placed in. It is recommended that new builds have at least one ad set that is in all audiences. A detailed description of all the audiences can be found here.

Once complete, click Next.

Additional Tracking

The final step before attempting to launch the build process is setting up additional tracking via Custom Conversions, if applicable.

For more information from Facebook about Custom Conversions, click here.

Once complete, click Next.


The last step is to actually launch the build process. Before doing so, you have the option to select whether you want UTMs toggled on or off. It is recommended to leave this toggled on.

If desired, you can use a custom UTM string to override the default settings. You also have the option to override UTMs at the ad set level, which will allow for more granular tracking if required.

Once you're ready, click Next.

Show Build

Step 12 in the build process simply displays the current build status. You can click Refresh Current Statuses if you want to stay on this page and check for status updates. The entire build process typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour, but can take multiple hours for larger builds.

To check back later, you can navigate to Account Builds under the Advertising Hub in the main menu. When the build is complete, you'll see the following status update:

Once the Build Status is complete, you need to go into Meta Ads Manager to on your campaign. This manual step provides an added level of precaution to ensure campaigns do not start running before you are ready.

From within Ads Manager, select the campaigns that have been created by ROUX, which you identify by their Build ID in the campaign name. In the example above, the Build ID is 5500, so you would want to select all campaigns with that ID (displayed as B ID 5500) and turn them on at both the Campaign and Ad set level.

While campaigns must be turned on from within Meta Ads Manager, they can be scheduled to be turned off from within ROUX itself, as determined by the end date that has been selected.

There are also three additional options that exist for every build once it's complete:

Let's do a quick breakdown of each option.


Duplicating a build can be useful when you want to launch a similar campaign with just minor updates. To duplicate an existing build to a new build, simply click Duplicate. When prompted to confirm, click Yes.

You will then be taken through the 12-step build process, with the option to make any desired updates to the build.

Add New Creative

To add new creative to an existing build, you'll first need to have ads available within your campaign's ad sets that have not yet been added to your build. Once that's been done, you can click Add New Creative from the Builds page and select the creatives you want to add to your build.

If no new creatives are available to add, you will receive the following alert:

When new creatives are available, you can select the placements and audiences following the same guidelines that were outlined in the Creative step above.

Modify UTMs

If you wish to modify the UTM structure that was selected during the Launch step, click Modify UTMs. You will have the option to toggle UTMs on or off. If on, you will have the option to use ROUX defaults or enter your own custom UTM string.

Note: This will only impact new creatives added to a build and will not update existing ads in Facebook / Instagram.

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